"There was a short opening set from Andy Lucas, a much in demand keyboard player who tinkles the ivories for Blue Rose Code and Roddy Hart’s Lonesome fire among others while also releasing his own albums. He certainly has an ear for melody with his first song, ‘Pills For Thrills,’ reminiscent of Paul McCartney and Gerry Rafferty while ‘Rain’ran the gamut from up tempo pop to wistful romance in the space of a few verses. Our favourite was the satirical ‘Money’ which would give Randy Newman a run for his money as Lucas skewered the nouveau rich with a rich sense of sardonic humour."
"...his stark piano playing being the perfect accompaniment for his deep and meaningful words"
"There is also a darker; albeit dour Scottish grey tone about some of his lyrics too; Pills For Thrills and False Prophets exploring subject matter that will scare the more sensitive among us; but tired old cynics like me will love them to bits and recognise some of the characters Lucas sings about.
Possibly Andy Lucas’s finest song here is the heart pumping Rain; which comes across as a tricky mix of Travis, Damien Rice and Georgie Fame. An obviously talented pianist Lucas races along at a breakneck pace on a bittersweet love song that will certainly stand the test of time; and wouldn’t be out of place on one of those Sunday Radio 2 shows." ROCKING MAGPIE
"This album had me at the first note. It is an awesome piece of work. A pure delight to listen to" ***** Music News Scotland
"An album that is garnering deserved comparisons with the likes of Randy Newman, Elton John and Ben Folds" **** The Daily Record
"It's good, very good. One of the best debut albums I have heard in a long long time" ***** The Music
“An album of proper songs...the product of a curious and capable musical mind. Definitely worth a listen” R2 Rock'n'Reel Magazine
'Performing with wonderful piano accompaniment, and sung with some incredible lyrics, there is no doubt that Mr Lucas is a talented musician/songwriter.' ***Maverick Magazine
“This is an incredible album. Each song is deserving of a large stage and an even larger audience; a genuine talent and a pleasure to listen to. I expect great things from this man." *****
"Lucas has produced something quite sensational." *****
“Andy Lucas I think is one of my new fav things that have ever reached my inbox...Weekend Millionaire displays all the features that make him such a great of the most solid debut albums I have amazing pianist.” *****
“Weekend Millionaire” easily proves that catchy melodies and sharp lyrics easily trump the false gods of simplistic riffs and maximum loudness. Andy Lucas is a classy guy and this is a classy album.” ****
“This is a solid and competent debut album, with extravagant flourishes and great charm”****
“...the magic of this debut comes from the wry lyricism and clever song-writing skills of Lucas himself. 'The Miserable Musical Prostitute', a take on a lounge piano player's social observations, is seriously hilarious.” **** Jenness Mitchell,
“Smart and witty”****
“Weekend Millionaire benefits from a snappier attitude, some sassy female backing vocals and a genuine sense of class”
“From the opening few bars of the closing orchestral flurries of Burn, this debut feels astonshingly mature” **** Allan Wilkinson
“...featured as track of the week...It's out for Weekend Millionaire” Jim Gellatly